Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate
Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

Hallo Sobat. Saya akan memberikan tutorial Cara Menghasilkan Dollar Dari HP Android (CashPirate) selengkap-lengkapnya disini. Cara bermainnya mirip seperti Pay Per Download (PPD), langsung aja tanpa basa-basi :)
1. Langkah pertama yg harus Anda miliki ialah HP berbasis Android (Smartphone) :D

-> Kemudian buka Play Store dari HP Anda dari cari "CashPirate" ikuti gambar seperti dibawah ini untuk lebih jelasnya.

Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

2. Jika sudah, Anda lanjut untuk klik "Buka" dan masuk ke Aplikasi CashPirate tersebut.
Kemudian Isikan email dan password yang Anda inginkan dan ingat dengan baik. Setelah itu muncul kotak dialog dan masukkan Code Register NPBUIQ atau npbuiq untuk mendapat Bonus Register 500 Coin ($0.50)

Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

3. Anda tinggal mencari Aplikasi yang tersedia untuk di Download dan atau Iklan Video seperti gambar di bawah ini:

Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

4. Jika coin Anda sudah mencapai minimal Request Payout yaitu 2500 Coin ($2.50) maka Anda tinggal klik Redeem dan masukkan email address Paypal-nya. Dan dibawah ini sudah ada bukti Payout saya :)

Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

[Update] Bukti Payout terbaru 22-Januari-2015 :)
Dan ini salah satu bukti Payout saya yang dari Paypal supaya lebih jelas bisa lihat DISINI

Dollar Gratis Dari Aplikasi CashPirate

Sekian informasi dari saya mengenai Cara Mendapatkan Dollar Gratis Dari HP Android (CashPirate) semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi kita semua :) Untuk informasi dan tutorial lainnya dapat mengunjungi blog CumanINFO

A Day of Our Sabbatical

A Blog About Love, Life And Laugh - Many people ask me...What are your days like? Here you go. Only variances would be errands, lunch dates, and nooners.  :)

A Blog About Love Life And Laugh

A Blog About Love Life And Laugh

8:20 am - Sila rejoins me in bed and snuggles like crazy. Danny heads downstairs to read.

9:00 am - I lay in bed and read a chapter or so on Kindle. (Currently reading Authentic Happiness by Martin Seligman, founder of Positive Psychology.)

9:30 am - Sila licks me and stands over my head to say, "Get up. Get up. Let's play." She is very ready for me to start the day. We both do our stretching rituals.

9:45 am - I do my bathroom routine. Sila patiently waits.

10:00 am  - Sila is ready to PLAY. So that means playing tug-of-war and "chase" with her three adored stuffed animals: Piggy, Panda, and Puppy. Danny makes green juice (thank you, Danny!!!)

10:30 am - We all head out to the porch to sit in the sun (in bathing suits) for 15 minutes to get some Vitamin D. I drink a second glass of green juice and read another chapter on Kindle. I wear a huge straw hat to protect my face. I'm sure our neighbor must wonder what in the heck we are doing.

11:00 am - Sila is extremely ready for her walk to the park. It's her favorite thing on earth. We all go as a family.

11:45 am - Work begins. I write something new. Or take a look at old posts I'm working on. I tackle my to do list (on TeuxDeux). I play meditative music. I plan out what our next steps are going to be.

A Blog About Love Life And Laugh

12:30 am - Lunch prep begins. Usually Danny makes lunch and I continue to work.

1:00 pm - Eat lunch (on this day it was red pepper / tomato soup.)

1:30 until 6:00 pm - I work on the blog, research upcoming travel, work on planning the next retreat possibilities, on launching our next venture: Skype/phone mentoring. Stay tuned. It should launch next week.  :) :)

6:00 pm - We do a yoga class from Youtube and project it on our big screen. It always kicks our butts, but we never regret doing it and feel so good after.

7:00 pm - Make dinner. Most recently I made a homemade gluten free pizza crust. Danny made homemade sauce and sautéed vegetables for toppings. Though Danny usually makes all of our meals. Sometimes I help or continue to work. Sometimes we play a podcast during dinner prep. And on a good day (which happens maybe 3 times a week), I will work on a Spanish lesson (I'm using Fluenz and I've been happy with it.)

8:00 pm - Eat dinner completely smiling and amazed by the flavors (Danny is seriously a good cook!)

9:00 pm - We continue to work on our blog or retreats or emails. Sometimes Danny starts up a movie or documentary to watch. Sometimes we light a fire. Latest movie we watched (& loved): Tig. Tig is a stand-up comedian who got cancer. She nails authenticity and it's so very raw and inspiring.

11:00 pm - We prepare for bed.
Danny + Mara time = Shower time. Sexy time. Meditation time. Snuggle time. Love & Gratitude time.

Do you ever think about how you could improve your day? I'm thinking of it all the time. Some of my recent improvements over the last year: Reading! Spanish! Green juice! Yoga! If I could add some extra things, it would be a more dedicated time for meditation and a second walk with Sila. 

What things have you succeeded at accomplishing lately in your day? And what things do you want to add to your day? 

P.S. That's our house here in Cuenca!

-The bed was handmade with Laurel wood by our neighbor across the street. 
-Striped blanket purchased in Agato, Ecuador at Miguel Andrango's weaving studio. It's made of Alpaca & Llama wool.
-Bed side tables and couch side table handmade by another neighbor, a metalsmith. We purchased the  tiles from a man in Cuenca who hand paints them for $1.00 each!
-Couch is Italian, but purchased in Cuenca at Colineal. I blog right there on that couch!
-Artwork of the Cajas Mountains by Gustavo Moreno Lopez, an artist in Cuenca.
-Yellow chair, vintage (32 years old). We saw it at a real estate listing and asked if we could buy it. 
-Black and white alpaca blanket from the Otavalo Market.
-Lamps are from Ikea ($11, I think). We brought them in our luggage.
-Couch pillows from Ikea.

A Blog About Love Life And Laugh